Wednesday, March 19, 2025


St. Rita’s Austin O’Connor, Relentlessly Pursuing Greatness



As I sat down to chat with St. Rita’s heralded three-time State Champion, Austin O’Connor, I was overcome with the sense that this just wasn’t any ol’ wrestler. This was someone who eats, breathes, bleeds and more than likely, sleeps on the mat.  This was someone who was going to utilize his abilities to do something extremely special one day and make a lot of people proud.

O’Connor, in what can only be considered as pure coincidence, began wrestling shortly after his family took a trip to the local car dealership to purchase a new vehicle. While there, his brother was recruited by a car salesman to give wrestling a go. Austin followed closely behind and at the age of just four he began his relentless pursuit towards greatness.

The Lockport native is now on the verge of joining some extremely elite company. This season marks the 80th year in which Illinois state champions will be crowned in wrestling. Looking back, only 14 wrestlers have won four state titles, all of which occurred during the 33-year span between 1981 and 2014.

In February, Austin will look to join this prestigious list, which includes fellow Mustang Albert White (2007). As St. Rita’s John Nee reported, Austin is also three-time CCL Champion having pinned every opponent he’s faced in his first three years, which is just mind-boggling.

As I began reading off his résumé, I looked to see if there was any type of reaction coming from O’Connor, whether it be one of satisfaction, excitement or maybe even awe. What I got was a look of ‘dude, you ain’t seen nothing yet’.

Austin O’Connor

  • 18-year-old senior
  • Committed to the University of North Carolina
  • 175-4 (School record 113 pins), including 31-0 in 2016-17
  • 3x State Champion
  • 3x Catholic League Champion

On a night in which he, along with his fellow seniors were due to be honored for their efforts over the past four years, O’Connor was all business. I wasn’t even sure he was aware, but I had just learned that InterMat Wrestling called to inform coach Mike Boyd that Austin would be ranked #1 in the nation at 145 pounds following his most recent tournament victory at the Al Dvorak Memorial on December 23.

Al Dvorak Memorial Wrestling Tournament Champ

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Austin, with coaches Alan Lick, John Murphy, Dan Manzella and Mike Boyd (left to right) became a 4X Dvorak Champion and 2X Dvorak Most Outstanding Wrestler of the tournament award winner back in December.

In a recent article by the Illinois Matmen, head coach Dan Manzella provided some insight as to why “OC” is unlike any other kid he’s ever coached.

“I’ve never wrestled with or been around anybody that wants to win as much as he does, ” St. Rita coach Dan Manzella said of O’Connor. “The kid’s tenacity is out of control and so is his will to win. And he’s never happier than when he’s wearing a pair of wrestling shoes.”

There is a something different about Austin, he’s not just happy with getting the W, he wants to inflict damage to his opponent during the six or so minutes he has with them on the mat. He is cerebral and methodical. He breaks their desire to engage while he dismantles them both physically and mentally.

As I spoke further with Boyd, who will replace Manzella as the head coach next season, I began to understand just why O’Connor was different than virtually any other wrestler in the country.

“Austin has the best short offense in the country. When a guy shoots, Austin punishes you then scores. Kids refuse to shoot on him now. Of all the 4X State champions, he is the most feared. Some were good on top, has explosive attacks, but none would physically beat you up until you quit, ” said Boyd.

Austin looks to drive his opponent into the mat.

So, what’s different about Austin you ask?

You would assume he was just born with it, right?


“He isn’t a great athlete. wasn’t born with talent. He is just the hardest working high school wrestler I have ever seen. The second I say single legs, he is shooting singles. He fights for every rep, and makes sure that he gets the last rep in every go, ” said Boyd.

Boyd, a former state champion in his own right having went 50-0 his senior season in high school, went on to say Austin isn’t a wrestler you can replace. “I don’t recruit the most talented. I look for the most relentless. The kid who shows up to a tournament and is the first one warming up. The kid who comes to the high school tournaments. The kid who knows the top five ranked in IHSA and the top five ranked in the NCAA, ” said Boyd.

“When I first got here, I thought coaching the “1%” was a cookie cutter format. I coached 15 wrestlers who received Division I scholarships, but Austin is a different breed of wrestler. He doesn’t care about the cool wrestling shoes, doesn’t care about girls coming to see him, doesn’t care about how many likes he gets on Instagram. He is a student of the game and we have a very mature relationship. I see what works for him and I realize my way isn’t the only way to be successful, ” added Boyd.

As the accolades piled up, so to did the phone calls and interest in Austin. There was Illinois and Missouri, there was Nebraska and Michigan, but ultimately it was the coaching staff, which includes local legend Tony Ramos and Coleman Scott, of North Carolina that sold O’Connor on attending Chapel Hill.

This past Saturday, his title win at Lincoln-Way East gave him his fourth Illini Classic title and the beat goes on.


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O’Connor became just the second wrestler ever to win four straight Illini Classic Titles with his tournament win on Saturday.

Are you starting to get the picture? The kid’s not only a beast, but he’s own worst critic. He’s constantly watching tape and trying to improve. Even in victory, O’Connor is never satisfied trying to plot out how he can defeat the opponent even faster if they meet again.

In early January, he won his fourth individual title at the prestigious Cheesehead Invitational, an accomplishment Austin holds in very high regard.

Cheesehead National Tournament Champ

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“OC” becomes only the third wrestler to be named a 4x Cheesehead National Tournament Champion.

We wish Austin and the rest of the St. Rita wrestling team success as they wrap up the year.

Sports Mockery VP Matt Eastman, along with owner and founder Chris Burhans, are pictured with the varsity St. Rita wrestling team on ‘Senior Night’.

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