Friday, February 21, 2025


Coming Up With a Dumb Luis Robert Trade Proposal


The headline is redundant because any Luis Robert trade would be dumb. Imagine the White Sox, who currently have exactly one actual starting outfielder on their active roster, turn around and think, “hey, let’s trade our stud center fielder.” Not only that, but if you’ve lost confidence in Robert after his injury-riddled season, what makes you think the White Sox would get fair value in a deal for him? Anyway, this is going to be more about bullshit insider accounts that annoy me on Twitter.

And don’t get me wrong, I’ve always said ever since I started writing on here that most of this stuff isn’t serious. We’re all here to have a good time and debate about our favorite teams, players and so on. However, I can’t get over people who start anonymous accounts on Twitter and try to peddle information, claiming to have insider knowledge. There are a few, who do actually have connections, but they don’t pretend to be something they’re not.

That brings me to this.

Yes, that would be shocking, especially to whoever runs that account because two weeks before that it said Robert is not available.

But there’s certainly a theme that this account wants to push. Robert to the Marlins.

Let’s not forget this genius took a random report that said Joe Espada was going to be the next White Sox manager to make an obvious point to sound smart.

Listen, I do commend the conversations that spawn from the supposed MLB executive, so desperate to share his or her thoughts that a burner account is needed, but these accounts that throw shit against the wall, hoping something sticks just suck.

Really hope I don’t end up Bob Nightengale’ing myself after that rant and in some wild scenario the White Sox trade Luis Robert to the Marlins this offseason.

And I don’t know, I just shit on the idea of trading Robert, but we couldn’t help ourselves either on the Pinwheels And Ivy Podcast, where we talked about this trade proposal that popped up on White Sox twitter.

Don’t get me wrong, I become irrationally upset from time to time and my feelings waiver on players on occasion, but it does still surprise me to see some White Sox fans out on Robert. We’re talking about a 25-year-old center fielder, with plenty of star potential left. Yes, the injuries have sucked, but for all the talk about how soft Robert is, how about him playing through an obvious wrist injury that the team for some reason seemed to ignore late in the 2022 season?

Anyway, feel free to shit on me in the comments if you’re part of the sect of fans who don’t want Robert, but hey at least check out this week’s Pinwheels And Ivy Podcast episode. More White Sox and other offseason discussion there.

Actually, one last thing. Share any trade proposals you come up with about the White Sox or any other team in the comments. I’ll be nice.


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Frank Johnson
Frank Johnson
Dec 8, 2022 12:30 pm

Keep Robert

Dec 3, 2022 5:48 pm

white sox still nothing, no one can call the clevenger signing anything clever. the is like the signing of velazquez

Julio the rat
Julio the rat
Dec 3, 2022 5:45 pm

This site is a hypothetical waste of time.

Ralph Law
Ralph Law
Dec 3, 2022 11:28 am

Until Reinsdorf sells, or is dead, the Sox are going no where..

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