Friday, January 31, 2025


Infamous Pippen Dunk Ranked The Most DISRESPECTFUL Of All Time


In a segment aired today on ESPN’s The Jump, author Shea Serrano (alongside show regular Scottie Pippen) discussed a chapter in his new book, Basketball (and other things), which promises to be quite entertaining. The chapter, titled Disrespectful Dunks, immediately drew interest from Pippen, as Serrano declared Pippen’s infamous dunk over Patrick Ewing the most DISRESPECTFUL of all time.

You know the dunk… Ya got to. It was Pipp’s monstrous, FuckYouPayMeGrabYourFuckingShineBoxEwingAndHere’sMyNutsackShineThatToo dunk.

And if ya don’t know, now ya know…

According to Serrano and his own rating metric, this delectably disrespectful dunk is the only disrespectful dunk to ever score a perfect 100.

Bravo Scottie!

However, to avid Bull’s fans this should come as no surprise. We’ve all known for some time now that Pippen most certainly AIN’T easy.

At any rate, here’s how the dunks were scored in his book and multiple articles posted on the Ringer

  • Category 1 — Difficulty/Impressiveness: How difficult or impressive was the dunk? Scored on a scale of 0 to 20.
  • Category 2 — Dunker’s Reaction: What’d the guy who dunked it do after he dunked it? Scored on a scale of 0 to 20.
  • Category 3 — Defense: How hard did the defender try to stop the dunk? Scored on a scale of 0 to 20.
  • Category 4 — Backstory: Is there a history between the dunker and the dunkee? Scored on a scale of 0 to 15.
  • Category 5 — Dunk Cleanliness: Did the ball swish straight through the rim or did it rattle through? Scored on a scale of 0 to 5.
  • Category 6 — Secondary Reactions: What’d the people not involved in the dunk do after the dunk? Scored on a scale of 0 to 20.

Pippen’s Reaction

Well, aside from the purest example of joy, pride, and boyish giddiness I’ve ever witnessed in my life;

(The secondary definition of giddiness is “a state of excitable frivolity”)

I’d say that look pretty much sums it up.

Pippen went on to explain that Patrick Ewing to this day STILL does not speak to him. Going on to say that if they do see one another, Ewing doesn’t altogether ignore him– but rather smirks and gives him a hard elbow to the chest.

Essentially saying without saying, “I still remember motherfucker, I don’t hate you, but you pulled my man card. Therefore I can not and will not ever speak to you again, respect… BUUUUUUTTTT…. fuck you. You dragged your sweaty nuts across my damn forehead.”

This is unforgivable. So I don’t blame Pat.

In closing, I’ll leave you with this.

The primary definition of giddiness is–

a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizziness.
“symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and giddiness”
I’d say that’s about as apropos as words get for Ewing’s reaction after the dunk as well. So folks, in honor of our beloved Pippen and his monstrous dunk, the word of the day is in fact, giddiness.


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