Sunday, February 16, 2025


Chicago Heckler Gets Under LeBron’s Single-Ply Thin Skin, Makes Him Look Like A Baby


Chicago heckler, Chicago fire, Chicago PD, Chicago transit authority, Chicago water tower– I don’t give a damn, Cavs by 20…

We’ve always known that LeBron can be a little sensitive at times, but it seems even after four MVP trophies, three NBA titles… not to mention being widely regarded as one of the top five players to ever play the game of basketball… after all those accomplishments the “King” still can’t take a little light hazing.

Hey ya’ll, is it just me or should a “King” not give a damn what some lowly serf thinks? Why is he even giving this dude the time of day? You would think that LeBron would just ignore it, knowing he doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone.

Yup, you’d think.

But LeBron is who he is– a cry baby. Granted, he’s an extremely talented, freakish, freight train of a cry baby… But, a cry baby none-the-less.

James put up a line of 23 PTS, 6 AST, 7 REB, en route to a 113-91 Cavaliers shellacking of the lowly Bulls.

Now, ESPECIALLY given the fact the Bulls are dog-shit awful and they never had a chance, again, you’d think LeBron could have just pointed at the scoreboard and not even looked in the direction of this Chicago heckler… Let alone engage in full conversation with him.

You’d think…

Perhaps, LeBron is really insecure about his hairline. That’s fair.

Chicago SportsNEWS
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