Friday, March 14, 2025


John Paxson Spits Complete Nonsense At Deadline Press Conference


The Bosses

Simple question. “Is everyone on the same page regarding the future direction of this team?”

A novel idea, yes: argue behind closed doors, but come outside and we’re aligned as an organization. Paxson said this while SITTING ALONE AT THE PODIUM. After Paxson finished, Gar Forman emerged and fielded questions SEPARATELY. YOU’RE LITERALLY DOING THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU CLAIM TO BE DOING.

Okay, so you all collectively have a plan?

Great! Let’s hear the plan.

Are you f*%king kidding me? Which one is it? You have a plan, but today’s not the day to decide it. You have a plan, but today’s not the day to reveal it.

Blood pressure rising…

Final question, John: Are your jobs safe? You, Gar and Fred?

I can’t. I physically and mentally cannot. It might have something to do with the sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated, stressed out corpse of a human that’s currently typing, but I literally cannot. Not right now. I need to switch from coffee to beer, take a few deep breaths, and try to process what the hell Paxson just said.

Stay strong, Bulls Nation. I’ll come back stronger and more put together. Soon.

…just like Derrick Rose, but for real.

Chicago SportsNEWS
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