Monday, February 3, 2025


It’s Time To Give Scottie Pippen’s Brain A Rest When It Comes To Jordan V. LeBron


Once again Scottie Pippen is chiming in on the Jordan V. LeBron debate, saying “I’m picking [Jordan] over LeBron too,” per TMZ Sports, when learning that former President Barack Obama chose Jordan over James during an interview with Chicago’s own soon-to-be adopted son (looking at you Northwestern graduate Meghan Markle) Great Britain’s Prince Harry.

“Jordan,” Obama said when asked to pick between the two NBA greats Wednesday during the interview on BBC Radio 4 (h/t Madeline Kenney of the Chicago Sun-Times). “Although I love LeBron. I’m a Chicago guy.”

Pippen has been all over the place when it comes to the Jordan V. LeBron debate. Honestly, we should all just stop listening to him once and for all. He’s like the kid in class who just talks to talk and generally agrees with whomever decides they want to be his friend that day. He’s like Kevin Hart’s rendition of a “Yes Man” in Seriously Funny…

Remember when he told told ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith on First Take earlier this month, that James was “probably ahead” of Jordan.

And a week ago, Pippen told TMZ Sports that James “ain’t better than me until he gets six titles.”

In all reality, this argument has been a fool’s errand from the start. Jordan was a pure scorer and lock-down defender, we know that. James has traditionally been a more well-rounded facilitator and all-around player, we know that too. So why do we continue to talk about it?

Ratings and slow news days.

We know Jordan and LeBron are two different players, and we know Scottie may or may not be high AF on Xanax and apparently can’t decide who he is or who is better from day to day so let’s give Scottie’s brain a rest, ok?

Jordan was a six-time champion, five-time MVP, 14-time All-Star, nine-time first-team All-Defensive selection and a 10-time scoring champion. He averaged 30.1 points, 6.2 rebounds, 5.3 assists and 2.3 steals per game.

James, meanwhile, is a three-time champion, four-time MVP, 13-time All-Star, five-time first-team All-Defensive selection and one-time scoring champion. He’s averaged 27.2 points, 7.3 rebounds, 7.1 assists and 1.6 steals in his career.

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