Thursday, February 13, 2025

Titans’ Jeffery Simmons Took Another Shot At Caleb Williams


Caleb Williams has been a divisive figure since before he got to the NFL. Much of it stems from a cloud of toxic masculinity. Some people can’t handle some of his antics. One was crying in his mother’s arms after a gutwrenching loss to Utah. Another was his tendency to paint his nails before games, sending subtle messages. A lot of people in and around the NFL see those things as signs of weakness. They believe Williams is soft. One prominent name among them is clearly Jeffery Simmons.

The Pro Bowl defensive lineman for the Tennessee Titans first made his distaste for the Chicago Bears quarterback known in June when asked about his plans for the opener at Soldier Field. He wasn’t exactly subtle about it.

Painted nails. I can’t wait to say that to him,” Simmons said. “Most definitely. Oh, it’s gonna be one of them games. I mean, he probably gets smack-talked by his teammates right now, but especially a game like that. My first game, of course I missed the last end of the season.”

Simmons hasn’t backed off that stance over the past few months. He doubled down on it during an interview in the days before the game. If you weren’t sure how much the defensive lineman already hates Williams, this pretty much hammers it home.

Jeffery Simmons having this stance is hardly surprising.

For one, he’s a defensive player. Hating quarterbacks is in his blood. For another, he was born and raised in Louisiana, the deep south. No doubt he had to deal with racism growing up, requiring him to adopt a tougher persona. Somebody like Williams comes across as a sissy to him. Last but not least? Let’s just say Jeffery Simmons isn’t known for being the most pleasant person. He was arrested for hitting a woman as a senior in high school during a fight with his sister and mother. There is also the incident he was accused of spitting in the face of Baltimore Ravens guard Marshal Yanda.

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Nobody can dispute that Simmons is a great player. To say he’s a model for modern masculinity would be unwise. He clearly hates Williams for the wrong reasons. No doubt the Bears quarterback is aware of what he’s saying and probably has a special paint job just for the Titans on Sunday.


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Dr. Steven Sallie
Dr. Steven Sallie
Sep 7, 2024 6:29 pm

Chubbie, do you realize how intellectually void and emotionally unintelligent or immature you are? Did you even graduate from high school? Any professional training? Didn’t think so. You sound like a chickenhawk like Trumpster. They should send both of you to the Russian front; evolution and science demand it.

Sep 7, 2024 10:51 am

@woke sally I try not to have much hate in my heart, but I’ll make an exception for you. Go F yourself! You suck as a human being. DO NOT Come here to manifest negativity about THE Chicago Bears! The bears will lose because of the players, or the coaching. Not because of any one comment on here, and definitely not because your feelings are hurt. Nobody likes you, please, for the love of all things, go the f away. End rant.

Dr. Steven Sallie
Dr. Steven Sallie
Sep 6, 2024 4:04 pm

As much as I respect and enjoy The Three Stooges, are you really going to say they are more important, historically, than Karl Marx? Surely you mock him and, thus, yourself.

Dr. Steven Sallie
Dr. Steven Sallie
Sep 6, 2024 3:48 pm

@Mommydearest Of all the grave sites at Highgate with so many famous people buried there, Marx’s is the most stately and well-kept of all the plots. Numerous fresh flowers are laid down by it out of love and respect EVERY day, even if it storms, for generations.

Sep 6, 2024 12:29 pm

Before he was drafted, I expressed a belief that Caleb Williams would have to deal with sort of thing frequently because of the ways he had expressed himself in college – crying, painting his nails, skipping his team’s bowl game. If I could see this coming, so could (almost) anyone. This is going to be an ongoing thing he has to deal with until gains acceptance around the league. You know how you do that? You win. Winning gains respect. Losing will bring more and more people out to attack everything about him that is not considered to be within… Read more »

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