Sunday, March 9, 2025


John Fox Era Adds Another Stunning Stat to Its Collection


Everybody should’ve known by now not to take anything good that happens during the John Fox era in Chicago seriously. Whenever Bears fans get their hopes up, he finds a way to let them down. It has happened over and over and over so many times the past three years that one should see it coming. Yet we don’t.

That’s because hope is a double edged sword. It keeps us going but at the same time leaves us vulnerable to disappointment. Beating the Cincinnati Bengals 33-7 was nice, but ultimately pointless. Going into Detroit against a desperate Lions team that had not lost to the Bears at Ford Field in five years? It was always going to be a trap.

Sure enough the old Fox ways returned. The offense wasn’t aggressive and failed to get consistent conversions. Fox himself refused to go on the attack in key situations, electing to punt the ball instead. Meanwhile the Lions attacked down the field and attack with their defense. They were the aggressors. It’s little surprise they won.

This may not have been the worst loss of the Fox era, but it’s the one that close the final door on his chances to return.

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John Fox era defined by inferiority against the NFC North

As if the 13-33 record wasn’t bad enough (it is) the true depth of how bad Fox has handled his time in Chicago is reflected in another record. The one against the rest of the NFC North division. To date he has coached a total of 17 games against the Packers, Lions and Vikings. His record against them? Not ideal.

  • 1-5 vs. Packers
  • 1-5 vs. Lions
  • 1-4 vs. Vikings

For an idea of just how awful that is, understand that Abe Gibron had a record of 4-14 during his run in the early 1970s. He’s the worst coach in Bears history. In other words unless Fox is able to beat the Vikings in the season finale he could end up having the worst record against NFC North teams ever.

Are people still wondering whether this guy will get fired. Most experts and insiders are convinced he’s already gone. It’s a matter of merely playing out the string.

The players may love him. The ownership may respect. That changes nothing. Fox will go down in history as a massive failure in Chicago. They can’t say he didn’t have a chance to change that either. He got three years, one more than he probably should’ve. It’s long past time for the Bears to move on from this mistake.

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