When looking at the critical people who played a role in Ben Johnson becoming the next head coach of the Chicago Bears, the two who will stand out are GM Ryan Poles and team president Kevin Warren. Poles was the one leading the search and did tons of background work on the Detroit Lions offensive coordinator. Warren secured the necessary resources to make sure the Bears came across as first-class and deliberate in everything they did. Candidate feedback was consistently positive about their process. Yet the most important moment may have belonged to George McCaskey.
The team chairman has been criticized for handling past coaching searches. Many have considered him cheap, unwilling to invest the necessary resources into landing the right guy. He also is reluctant to pursue guys with more alpha-type personalities. McCaskey shared what happened when Poles came forward about Johnson being the target. His response may have altered the course of franchise history.
“I think in this situation, the best we can do, and the best I can do, is listen, offer support, guidance, and the benefit of our experience when called upon, and to offer support. Ryan says, ‘This is the guy we want,’ and I said, ‘Go get him.'”
George McCaskey isn’t perfect, but he trusts his people.
His efforts to find the right head coach in years past didn’t go well. Say what you will. At least George McCaskey seems to have a sense of self. He’s always known his instincts for football weren’t great. While he may be the owner, he’s more of a fan. That is why he always leaves the football decisions to his football people. In this case, that was Poles. McCaskey has never wavered in his belief that the GM is the right man for the job. If he feels Johnson is the right man to get this ship sailing in the right direction, then no resource should be spared to make it happen. Everything came together quickly after that. There is no telling if Johnson will succeed. If he does, people must acknowledge McCaskey’s willingness to not meddle when it mattered.
@Steven Sallie, you’re under the belief that George, and all his football acumen knowledge, saw the intricacies of football savvy in Ben and wanted only Ben, and Ben alone, that he directed Warren and Poles to make it happen? Brotha please! I can guarantee you that George wouldn’t have been able to.name Detroits OC before three weeks ago. My guess is that he was tired of being embarrassed, tired of being consistently mocked on National broadcasts, and was open to council from Warren to let Poles get his guy and to not let money be the barrier that it has… Read more »
No way Gentleman George was going to allow Warren and Poles, who oversaw a 10-game losing streak, put the final nails into the Bears legendary coffin. But with my HC BEN the almost assured signee, he would retain Poles and give him credit for the signing. Everyone in Detroit knew that George/Bears and Ben desired each other. The only bombshell would have been if Johnson had decided to go elsewhere < 2% chance. My relatives called it "easy money" from Vegas and elsewhere. I did not bet.
George McCaskey, and the rest of the family have earned all the criticism they have received. They’ve been tone deaf to it for decades thinking that football is just a game of chance and that everyone will eventually be a winner. Brief glimpses of success like Lovies SB and several other playoffs have made the McCaskeys comfortable with business as is. Self appointed expert talking heads have made it a point to tell everyone that the McCaskeys aren’t cheap, they’re just ignorant in the business of football. That’s bull. NFL forces owners to spend on roster so they’re on par… Read more »
George finally realized when he gave Poles 3 coaches to choose from things didn’t go well. Warren convinced George to let Poles do his job and pay whatever necessary to get his choice in the building. Warren was instrumental in getting George to let Poles fire Everflub mid season. George is finally trusting the people he hired to do their jobs.
Forging our way into a professional football operation.
The BEST thing about this article is the Picture that shows my Favorite Bears Beat Reporter Mark Grote wondering what’s going to come out of George’s mouth and how dumb will it sound!! Way to go Mark!!