Charles Barkley will go down in history as one of the greatest personalities in the history of professional sports. A pure character in every sense of the word. Not only a great basketball player and one of the best rebounders in history but also an iconic television analyst. The man was made for the cameras, and a big part of that success comes from his incredibly sharp tongue. Few people in sports are better at talking trash than Barkley.
What makes it even better is he’s not shy about sharing his opinion. He isn’t afraid of hurting people’s feelings. Especially if it is somebody he may not like. Somebody like Aaron Rodgers. Barkley is good friends with the Waddle & Silvy Show, who have him on often for ESPN 1000. The subject of the Green Bay Packers quarterback came up during his latest appearance. Silverman asked if he thought Rodgers was being selfish for taking so long to decide on whether he was returning to play or retiring.
Barkley chuckled and then delivered a one-hit knockout.
“I said this about Aaron Rodgers. I think he’s the pretty girl that you gotta tell her she’s pretty every day. I’m starting to think that. I’m starting to think he’s that girl like, ‘Oh, I don’t look good today?’ Like, I told you five days in a row you good. I gotta tell you every day, apparently…So I’m starting to wonder.”
Barkley pointed out that Rodgers’ apparent pursuit of becoming the highest-paid quarterback in the NFL isn’t going to make his team any better. If anything, history shows it’ll make it worse.
“First of all, you know what I don’t understand about these quarterbacks? Why are they such greedy pigs? Every quarterback who’s gotten big money never won (a Super Bowl) again. I never understood. You go (Joe) Flacco, you go Russell (Wilson), you go Aaron the first time, you go Drew Brees. Dak Prescott is going to be in that boat soon. Matt Ryan is in that same boat. Why don’t these guys take less money like Tom Brady so you can pay other players?”
This is why Charles Barkley is the best. Not only is what he said funny, but it’s also true. The way Rodgers acts screams of a person that needs constant validation from others to feel fulfilled. This goes back to the accusations about him being overly selfish. Something reflected in this supposed push to become the highest-paid quarterback in the NFL. The Packers will have to gut parts of their roster to accommodate him if that happens. Considering they couldn’t even reach the Super Bowl as they are now, it stands to reason they won’t get better in such a scenario.
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