Friday, August 30, 2024

Aaron Rodgers Keeps Finding Ways To Up His Weirdness Level


The reality of professional sports is that they attract all personalities. For every upstanding citizen with a clean mental health record, there are many quirky characters and even outright criminals. Aaron Rodgers is a perfect example. For years, people thought the Green Bay Packers star quarterback was a well-adjusted California boy. However, time continues to show he is anything but that. While a phenomenal football player, it’s becoming abundantly clear that Rodgers is really big on alternative lifestyles.

We’re talking about a full-blown conspiracy theorist and avid sponsor of “alternative” medicines. Older generations might call him a “hippie.” It certainly fits his behavior over the past few years. That was hammered home again when Rodgers attended the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies conference in Denver to advocate for the increased use of psychedelics in professional sports. His argument certainly came across as something a rational person would say.

“Is it not ironic that the things that actually expand your mind are illegal and the things that keep you in the lower chakras and dumb you down have been legal for centuries?”

Rodgers didn’t back down.

He even openly stated it should be the goal of decision-makers to get everybody to embrace psychedelics, including his “bum” critics in the media.

“Because I guarantee you all these bums who want to come after me online about my experience and stuff, they’ve never tried it,” he added. “They’re the perfect people for it. We need to get these people taking it.”

Aaron Rodgers is convinced this is the answer to everything.

There is no way he wins the MVP in 2020 and 2021 without using Ayahuasca, a psychedelic native to South America. Never mind he was winning awards long before he was introduced to such things. The truth is extensive drug use in any form is rarely a good thing. While not in the same category as heroin or cocaine, psychedelics have shown long-term side effects. We’re talking persistent psychosis, mood swings, violent behavior, panic attacks, and apathy towards any activity.

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Aaron Rodgers may think he’s on the same side as those who advocated for marijuana. While his intentions may be good, his reckless push doesn’t feel like it will lead to positive results. It feels more like somebody saying, “I love this drug so much. It obviously is the reason I perform better at my job. That means it will do the same for everybody else!” That isn’t how human chemistry works. Drugs affect people very differently. He’s entitled to his beliefs, but there is no question his stance is teetering on dangerous.


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Jun 26, 2023 7:18 pm

Great picture of Rodgers looking weird, LOL. He’s not our QB so I don’t care what kinda drugs he’s taking.

I hate to say it, but he’s right to poke fun at the medical establishment. They need a LOT of constructive criticism even though they refuse to hear it.

Ralph Law
Ralph Law
Jun 26, 2023 6:40 pm

Aaron definitely needs to be on Radithor (Remember the Radium girls?)

Jun 26, 2023 11:36 am

Psychedelics opened my mind and I saw little tweedy birds flying around Aron Rodgers head.

Jun 26, 2023 11:27 am

Jimi Hendrix sings it better than I can comment on it——

Jun 26, 2023 11:18 am

There are times when a comment is NOT good enough.
This is one of those times.
I tried to post this earlier and it would not accept the link, I got rejected! lol
All I have to say is that I couldn’t comment better than what Jimi Hendricks belts out in PURPLE HAZE…. give it a listen, and Enjoy.
“Whatever it is the (JETS) put a spell on me.” (Aaron)

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