Could you imagine sitting at a Cubs game with your family, then out of nowhere, your six year old daughter gets hit in the head with a flying bat!? That’s what happened to Matt Hunnicutt, father of Ella who suffered a concussion after an accidentally thrown bat flew into the stands and hit her in the head last week.
“She swears she still loves her Cubbies, though Addison Russell definitely owes her one for his poor grip,” he shared with WGN.
During the 7th inning of a game versus the Padres last week, Addison Russell lost his grip on his bat and moments later Ella was diagnosed with a concussion after being rushed to the hospital via ambulance. It was her father’s “worst heart-sinking nightmare come to life.”
“She swears she still loves her Cubbies, though Addison Russell definitely owes her one for his poor grip.” Matt said.
The Cubs ended up losing the game, but because Ella had to be rushed to the hospital she missed the ending. With everything going on, she was still disappointed they lost.
“When I grow up I’ll be on the Cubs and we will never lose,” her father quoted her as saying.
Not only was she disappointed they lost and still recovering from her head injury, but she also added that she’ll be heading back to Wrigley when she gets the next opportunity. A thrown bat isn’t going to take away the passion she has for her team.
“She said, ‘Yes, I do want to go back, I just want to sit really high up,’” he told WGN.
In the midst of such an unfortunate event, the inspiration this young girl has provided for all of us is quite admirable.
Sometimes crazy things happen, and it takes strong willed people to stand back up after getting knocked down.
That being said, Russell get a better grip on your bat.
Cubs, get some better safety measures at the ballpark.
And finally, Cubs again, get this little girl anything she wants – she deserves it.
By the way, the family came all the way from Portland to attend the game.