Wednesday, October 16, 2024

New Evidence Proves Matt Eberflus Has Been Replaced By An Imposter


Everybody knew what to expect from Matt Eberflus when the Chicago Bears hired him in 2022. They’d seen it enough times in the past. As a defensive-minded coach, he would inevitably want to run games through that mentality. This meant ball-control offense. In other words, avoid turnovers and run the football to control the clock so the defense could stay fresh. It was that way with Lovie Smith and again with John Fox. Throughout the first two years, Eberflus did little to change those assumptions.

A great way to determine the kind of person a head coach is is when their team has a lead. Most defensive-minded coaches prefer to run the football, milk the clock, and protect the lead. They don’t want to risk turnovers by having the quarterback throw the ball too often. Offensive coaches tend to think more aggressively and are interested in scoring points until it breaks the opponent’s spirits. Apparently, somebody has replaced Eberflus with an imposter. Based on recent charting data, the Bears have become one of the more pass-happy teams in the NFL when holding a lead.

Matt Eberflus has evolved without anybody noticing.

While he may still be a defensive guy at heart, he has opened his mind to the possibilities of being more aggressive. That means going for it on 4th and short if the situation is right. Pass up an extra point for a two-point conversion. Last but certainly not least, give the green light to your offensive coordinator to have the offense keep throwing even when you have a solid lead. Being in the upper right tier of that chart means the Bears are willing to throw the ball regardless of the situation.

This speaks to their confidence in Caleb Williams. The #1 overall pick has matured at remarkable speed over the past three weeks. He has seven touchdowns and only one interception while completing 74% of his passes. When your quarterback is looking that sharp, it becomes easier to be open to throwing it regardless of leading or trailing. It doesn’t hurt that the strength of the Bears’ offense is at wide receiver and tight end. Matt Eberflus deserves a ton of credit for leaning into that without letting his traditional mentality get in the way.

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Oct 16, 2024 9:52 pm

Excellent comments Slip Knotz. Spot on. Most intelligent thing I’ve read on here in days.

Oct 16, 2024 9:49 pm

That was sarcasm you dim wit sally. David is way to smart for you.

Slip Knotz
Slip Knotz
Oct 16, 2024 9:16 pm

You’re always going to have a chunk of fans who blame the head coach for any and everything seen as an error. WR’s drop passess, runners fumble- “head coach’s fault” they say. O-Line penalties head coaches fault, never the Olineman himself or the O-Line coach. A huge part of the Bears success right now is that the Defense is top-ten. That is the case mainly because of Eberflus but also the talent like Sweat, JJ, and Gordon. Poles did not secure a premier 3-tech and Dexter is a bit inconsistent but the D-Line is doing well anyway because Flus brought… Read more »

Dr. Steven Sallie
Dr. Steven Sallie
Oct 16, 2024 8:54 pm

Don’t try kissing and making up with me. You are still going to ride the bench for at least another year or two. Now fetch me a triple spicy Bloody Mary with asparagus in it. Then I shall teach you your role–how to hold for the extra point. Local Kramer will be hiking it to you. Lazy Davis will be the kicker. Remember: practice, practice, practice.

Oct 16, 2024 7:30 pm

Thanks Coach Dr. Sallie. Hopefully they remember to stay in bounds, to keep the clock running, when leading.

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