Friday, September 13, 2024

Caleb Williams Major Flaw Becoming Apparent At Training Camp


Training camp is a time when quarterbacks learn the limits of what they can get away with. It’s common for interceptions to occur during this process. Even top quarterbacks like Peyton Manning, Patrick Mahomes, and Aaron Rodgers experienced periods of throwing too many picks in camp. For rookie quarterbacks, like Bears Caleb Williams, the adjustment is even greater as they learn the nuances of NFL windows and how their arm strength fits in.

While interceptions are expected, the bigger concern for Williams at camp isn’t his picks but rather a flaw that was noted during his draft evaluation and is familiar to Bears fans from Justin Fields’ experience.

Caleb Williams is holding onto the ball for too long.

Caleb Williams is starting to hold onto the ball for too long, and it’s becoming a concerning issue. In 7-on-7 drills, the expectation is for quick throws, but Williams frequently scrambles or holds onto the ball longer than necessary.

Although it’s only August 8th and he’s a rookie QB, this is a growing concern. It would be beneficial for Williams to get some reps this week against the Bills for their second preseason game. The offense hasn’t performed well this week. It’s possible the team is intentionally making things challenging for Williams now, rather than letting him look perfect before the season opener. But only time will tell.

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Aug 9, 2024 12:24 pm

Wow, thanks for the 30 IQ Doc.

Dr. Steven Sallie
Dr. Steven Sallie
Aug 9, 2024 7:09 am

I win again! Look at all those angry hateful words written by Hate30. He is the ultimate male hyena. Jealous of Dr. M? No way, I admire him–his personality, professionalism, and social etiquette here having to be sensible/proper with people like you/Rocket/Lardo/Arlington. But we have very different personalities, styles, and preferences; for a crude example: his Alan Parsons Project versus my Johnny Rotten/Sex Pistols or Iggy Pop/Stooges or Jim Morrison/Doors. So, try some more division.

Aug 9, 2024 5:23 am

I’m a Cheap shot artist? Lol. First of all, you’re not even a real doctor. Unless of course, they kicked you out of practice and took away your license. Second of all, I don’t recall, making an appointment with you, but that’s OK. You go ahead and analyze me. I got no problem with that. The rest of the board sees you for what you’re really all about. Jealous of Dr Melhaus. And you go ahead and align yourself with Thomas Gena. He spews out lots of facts that mean nothing and in the end all it is, is hate… Read more »

Dr. Steven Sallie
Dr. Steven Sallie
Aug 8, 2024 8:39 pm

Oh Rocketass, another weak male hyena trying to be an authoritarian leader by coming to the defense of Hate30. Remember, females rule in your species. TGena and I are male lions. You and Hate30 would never stand a chance against us. We are the ultimate Bears fans.

Aug 8, 2024 7:38 pm

Anyone that defends the know nothing gena can’t be very bright. He just spews hate and nonsense. Well only one person here would do that……extra periods just for you sally

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