Friday, October 4, 2024


Justin Fields Shot Down Any Excuses For Bears Passing Woes


The Chicago Bears passing offense is off to a historically bad start. They’ve yet to cross the 300-yard mark as their fourth game approaches. Justin Fields has two touchdowns, four interceptions, and a completion rate hovering around 50%. People have grasped at excuses for why this might be. It’s a brand new offense under coordinator Luke Getsy. Switching schemes can lead to growing pains. The Bears have limited options at wide receiver. The offensive line can’t pass protect.

Except all of those ideas don’t hold as much merit as people want to believe. Receivers have been open often in the past two weeks. The pass protection hasn’t been great, but it’s been average. Quarterbacks should be able to hit at least 200 yards per game with average protection. Fields can barely muster half of that. To his credit, the second-year QB didn’t rise to the bait when asked about the team’s passing struggles. He stated without stark clarity that the level of play thus far is unacceptable.

“Yeah, for sure, I think it’s just constantly getting better. Of course, it’s early right now. But I guarantee you all the guys in the locker room on the offense, they’re not going to make that excuse. ‘It’s early. We don’t want to be as productive.’ This and that. So you can really just throw that out the window for me because I want to be as productive as I could be. … So again, I played terrible. I’m going to get better. We’re going to get better as a whole.”

Justin Fields isn’t shrinking from his responsibilities.

Even during the game against Houston, he owned up to his mistakes. Teammates and coaches never got on him about it. They continued to provide encouragement. They know it’s a long season, and he still has lots of learning to do. There is no reason to panic. Chicago is 2-1 with a chance to go 3-1 against a banged-up New York Giants team on Sunday. They have one of the best running games in the league. The team doesn’t need him to be Superman to compete.

All they’re asking is for him to show modest improvement. That should be attainable as his mastery of the scheme grows in the coming weeks. He played three well-coached defenses during those first weeks. It won’t be like that all year. Soon he’s going to encounter opponents that give him serious chances to get out of his funk. That may not be Sunday, but if it is, then the Bears will be in great shape as they enter the meat of their schedule.

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Oct 1, 2022 1:36 pm

Justin hides his emotion… Maybe he needs to get fired up and play using his talent instead of thinking so much.

Byron E Mullins
Byron E Mullins
Oct 1, 2022 4:27 am

Hopefully the light will come on and he starts seeing things with clarity. He is over processing every detail from footwork to arm angles and checking down. When the system and muscle memory become secondary, he can finally go play and have fun.

Aging Bull
Aging Bull
Oct 1, 2022 4:07 am

Love the fact he’s taking responsibility and not hiding behind excuses. This is a young QB who was hung out to dry by the previous regime and is taking direction from his 2nd HC in as many seasons.
I really want JF to fly in the NFL, he seems like a really grounded, humble kid just wanting to be the best at what he does, unfortunately the odds seem to be stacked against him at the moment and it would be sad for his journey to be a tale of “what ifs” and “if only’s”.

Jim S
Jim S
Oct 1, 2022 12:19 am

I have seen a lot of bad quarterbacks during my 50+ years rooting for the Bears. (Bobby Douglass was entertaining to watch but not sure you could really call him a QB) I’m not even close to giving up on Justin and still excited by the possibilities. Also super excited about this running game.

Blast from the past: Jim McMahon passed 12 times for 79 yards in November 1983. OMG, we needed to run McMahon out of town, right? We won that game 27-0 while Payton and others combined for 279 yards rushing.

Sep 30, 2022 10:04 pm

I’m not sold he can play QB in the NFL… but I appreciate the guys moxie

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