Monday, September 30, 2024


Ryan Pace Leaves Window Wide Open For a Change at QB


Anybody who expected Ryan Pace to make some sort of grand proclamation regarding the Chicago Bears was going to be disappointed. This time of year teams always values keeping information close to the vest. So the idea that the GM might suddenly declare intentions for a massive change at quarterback were fooling themselves. However, that doesn’t mean his first press conference down at the Scouting Combine was completely without interesting nuggets.

Two instances, in particular, stuck out. When asked about whether the team planned to pick up Trubisky’s 5th year option, Pace was non-committal. He stated the team is still discussing that and know they don’t have to make such a decision until May. Why is this interesting? This is not a standard answer. Last year, Pace was quick to state that the Bears planned to pick up the option for Leonard Floyd after his strong finish to 2018. So for him to not do the same for Trubisky is definitely noteworthy.

Now Pace did make it clear the team still believes in the 25-year old QB. The plan hasn’t changed from what he stated last month that he is expected to be the starter next season. However, two interesting quotes stuck out while answer questions.

“It’s not just one person. It’s not just the quarterback. It is a number of factors. For us, that started January 1st. We made some staff changes and we’re evaluating our own roster, establishing our needs. Now it’s just attacking that and creating competition everywhere. Creating competition at quarterback and throughout our entire roster.”

One could say this might’ve just been a random statement.

However, when Pace was asked about Trubisky again a few minutes later, he delivered the line even more forcefully.

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“We believe in him. We’re going to support him. We’re going to be better around him. But I think competition brings out the best in everybody.”

Ryan Pace sounds like he plans to push Trubisky

Everything about his words suggests Pace is trying to manage a balancing act. He still strongly believes in Trubisky as a starting quarterback. He feels the kid has the talent and work ethic to reach the heights expected of him. All the team has to do is getting enough help around him to make that happen. At the same time, the GM knows he can’t wait forever. He’s running out of time. The Bears’ window to go after a Super Bowl with their great defense is shrinking. Without competent quarterback play, this team is sunk.

So the best way to hedge his bets is by bringing in new faces at the position. Players who aren’t complimentary types like Chase Daniel and Tyler Bray. Guys who could help Trubisky learn the system. Now it’s about improving the talent level and giving the Bears insurance in case the QB flounders again to start the 2020 season.

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