Sunday, October 13, 2024


Arturas Karnisovas Knew Gar Forman Had to Go After Just One Conversation


Believe it or not, there was still an outside chance that Gar Forman could’ve at least saved himself a spot inside the Chicago Bulls organization. As horrible of a GM as he turned out to be, the Reinsdorfs seemed to think he had value in the scouting department. Something reflected in his solid drafting over the years. However, that decision would be entirely in the hands of Arturas Karnisovas, their new VP of Basketball Operations.

Apparently Forman didn’t exactly ingratiate himself when the two finally met. When speaking to the media for the first time, Karnisovas didn’t mince words. He stated that the two of them had a conversation about what the direction of the Bulls should be moving forward. Suffice to say it sounds like the former GM gave the answer his new boss didn’t want to hear.

‘‘Regarding Gar, I think after some consideration and conversation, it was apparent we had different philosophies,’’ Karnisovas said. ‘‘That would prevent us from moving forward. I was hired to effect change in the current situation, so that was the decision behind that.’’

Gar Forman proved again he’s no people person

It’s important to note those words. Karnisovas didn’t seem to offer any sort of intrigue or respect for Forman. By contrast, he spoke glowingly of still having John Paxson as a senior advisor, calling him an asset who could help his transition. This only reinforces just how bad of a diplomat Forman is. Something that most people already knew. Rest assured there were few inside or outside the organization mourning his departure.

The ex-GM had a reputation for being one of the most aloof and paranoid human beings in the business. He employed spies to monitor negative comments about him. He confiscated computers and cell phones of employees. Star players were constantly alienated and mistreated. It was a mess. One that was ignored for a long time because the team was still winning.

When that went away, Forman was finally exposed. Now he is mercifully gone.

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