Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Tyler Flowers Spews Some Bullshit After Confrontation With Willson Contreras


Willson Contreras hit a solo home run in the second inning of Monday’s game against the Braves. Contreras immediately turned back to look at Tyler Flowers and once he reached home plate the war of words escalated.

Yet, everything started before the home run. Flowers framed a pitch out of the strike zone and blatantly pulled his glove up, fooling the home plate umpire into calling it a strike. Contreras objected to the call and said something to the umpire. Then, Flowers said something to Contreras.

Then, Contreras blasted his 16th home run of the season on the next pitch.

Then the benches cleared and of course the Braves broadcast went into hard-ass mode.

So, Contreras said something to the umpire about a bad call, Flowers butted into the conversation and Contreras was like, shut up.

And here’s what Flowers said after the game.

Can you be a bigger douchebag than Tyler Flowers? Getting mad because a catcher was working the umpires? Calling Willson Contreras, the best hitting catcher in MLB, a “decent hitter” and the audacity to imply that Contreras should learn a lesson by the great Tyler fucking Flowers?

Also, I always find it hilarious when players say they were offended because a pitcher was “shown up” when you know, they have teammates who “show up” opposing pitchers too.

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